Friday, January 25, 2008

Happy Apples Have Invaded!

There has been a little bit of sewing going on.

I made this purse last weekend out of some cool fabric that I found over in Superior at the Country Schoolhouse.

It's covered with pictures of old sewing needle booklets. And if you were to doubt the authenticity of the pictures of the needle booklets, check this out...

Yeah, I'm one of those odd ducks that collect needle booklets. It started out with getting donated booklets for Charitable Crafters and has evolved into hunting for them at antique stores. ..and buying fabric that is covered with them.

It may be a little odd, but it is definately less expensive than keeping the crack pipe full.

I also did something that I haven't done for a good long while today.

I pulled out the beeswax, scents, lye, thermometer, scale, and older than the hills mix master.

It was a day to make soap!

I inspected the thermometers very carefully.

then got to cooking.

The soap recipe that I like best has beeswax in it and normally you combine the beeswax/olive oil/palm oil/coconut oil with the lye when both have reached 150 degrees. The beexwax was different this time and started to coagulate before it cooled to 150. I ended up getting them combined and mixed and it traced really fast so I loaded up the PVC soap molds.

The ends aren't very pretty but in about a month or so, I'll unmold it, cut it, and hopefully it will be ok.

Oh, and halfway through this soapy extravaganza, I heard something in the basement and peered down the stairs. Hmmmm, why was all that water pouring out of the pipe above the litter box? Because we're having another plumbing meltdown of course! Hey, it's been less than a month since we spent $600 to roter rooter the sewage pipe out, a little more plumbing trauma is exactly what we need!

I'm going to put the plumber on speed dial.

Anyway, I have had a request for some gratuitous corgi shots so here it goes...

He's waiting for me to make him that dog bed...

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Aaaaah! Making soap! I haven't done that in sooooo long. I do love it! You have me feeling some soapy nostalgia...