Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Not Japanese...yet

Well, we just got the word that my daughter will need to wait another year to go to Japan. There have been considerable language barriers with a Japanese boy that is visiting Duluth through the same program and they don't want my daughter to have the same problems. As the Japanese schools have a much higher bar for excellence in the classroom, they didn't want her to go over there and be seen as a less than stellar student.

I think it's an excellent idea but now we get to go through all the paperwork again next year...


In the mean time, we will be heading out this weekend to go to the cities where she will be teaching a class at the Oakdale Library on drawing Manga. I believe we will need to stop at Crafty Planet while we are in town and perhaps meet up with some knitterly friends for breakfast.

Meanwhile, slog on...

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