Friday, February 22, 2008

Future Life

I have been slowly bringing my life down, down, down to where I can manage it with my ever present level of exhaustion and feelings of death warmed over-ness. My knitting/crocheting/spinning life is pretty much gone and unfortunately, I've been so scattered with sewing that I have been known to have a sudden inspirations (commonly known as a "wild hair up the ass") which go absolutely nowhere. I've compiled fabric, I've cut it into various and assundry sizes, I've sewn it together in unique and sometimes unsettling ways, and then I've set it down and walked away.

Cut to a few days later. I begin the archeological dig on what is my sewing table and I pick up odd fabrics that are sewn together and I begin to wonder if I'm not being possessed by the fabric equivalent of Lord Voldemort. Perhaps my sewing machine is really a horcrux? Yeah, I had a plan...I was excited...I was focused...and then the sunlight glinted off the handle of my scissors and the moment was lost.

But I must perk myself up. PERK DAMN YOU! PERK!

For March, April, and May are actually months that I have things planned. There will be Taiko Drumming , beekeeping, Anime at the End of the World, Anime in the Great White North, and a weekend in Washington DC for a convention.

Now, if you're looking at that list and thinking that I must be really into Japanese culture, that would be an incorrect assumption. I have actually birthed a Wasian. Perhaps you have heard the term "wigger" ? (I'm not too fond of it to tell you the truth). Well, my daughter is the whitest Japanese child you've ever met, hence the term "Wasian". She will be geeking out at the drumming and the anime events and I'll be her plus one. Actually, the anime conventions are the most hilarious and delightful people watching events I've ever been to. Gender is not only bent, it is broken, spanked, and displayed for the world to see. And I highly recommend standing at the base of the stairs to see which six foot tall drag queens are wearing panties under their mini skirts. I'm just saying... "Blinded By Testicles" will be the name of my punk rock grrl group.

The whole anime thing in Canada will just be an excuse for our family to take a vacation. My kids want to go to the anime convention, my husband wants to sit in a hot tub, and I want to ditch the lot of them to go prowling the wonderful streets and neighborhoods of Toronto. I shared an apartment there with a friend in the summer between highschool and college. I want to go back to Chinatown and see if I can find the grocery store that had the cat. The cat that you would find sleeping on the food shelves when you moved a product aside because you couldn't understand why the box had a tail. I loved that little shop!

The trip to DC will only afford a small window in which to actually see things. The last time I was in DC the Vietnam Wall had not been created so I want go there. And I'd like to see the Holocaust Museum.

After that? Strip Clubs and naked bars baby!

Where I hope to run into some of our politicians of course...

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