Saturday, November 17, 2007

Stuff This!!!!!

Today was the big day of our Charitable Crafters Stocking Stuffer Party.

My kids and I hauled the items to the meeting rooms at the hospital last night and four short hours later, we were ready! (Unfortunately I have smart children and when they started quoting American child labor laws to me, I decided to call it an evening.
We started the day with a table of 230 stockings

and a room full of stocking stuffers

We got to work and what was really neat was when we started running out of tags, someone showed up with more and when we started running low on stockings, someone showed up with more stockings and when we started running low on stuffers, someone else showed up with more stuffers. I like to call it karma.

We ended up with stockings in the hall

Stockings in boxes

Stockings on tables

And stockings in a row

We had great food and great volunteers

and we ended up stuffing 320 stockings.
Tomorrow? I'm not getting out of my pajamas.

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