Sunday, November 08, 2009

Hello Mr. King, Allow Me To Introduce Myself

It makes me wonder if I would have been quoted had I chosen to talk about one of my common themes: Dog poop.

But today is not for dog poop. Today is for paint.

Red paint.

With the blue painter's tape, I don't know whether to keep painting or start singing "God Bless America".

I have a tendency to get involved in projects such as these and I will ruminate on it and think about it even when I'm not actually doing it. It's either called creativity or mental illness, frankly I think the two go hand in hand.

Perhaps this is why I had nightmares all night long. All frickin' night long! I haven't had such awful nightmares since I was a mere puff of a child.

Stress? Nah.

I know my stress dream. It's the dream that I had every night for about five or six months. That's the one where I am lying face down in the middle of the road in the dark and when I lift my face up to look down the road, I see the headlights of an oncoming car. I then proceed to realize that I am either paralyzed or on a sheet of ice or somehow immobilized and unable to escape from the path of the oncoming car. I always wake up when the car bumper is right in front of my face. I'm usually drenched in what I can only hope is sweat.

No, last night was honest to god Gothic haunted house horror happenings. (Say that three times fast.)

Last night was sponsored by HP Lovecraft and Anne Rice.

It involved vampires. Lots and lots of vampires. I would jerk awake in terror only to go right back into the dream where it left off.

It wasn't until I started painting again this morning that I began to put two and two together. blood RUM RED RUM RED RUM!!!!


All paint and no play makes Debbie a sad girl!

All paint and no play makes Debbie a sad girl!

All paint and no play makes Debbie a sad girl!

All paint and no play makes Debbie a sad girl!

All paint and no play makes Debbie a sad girl!

All paint and no play makes Debbie a sad girl!

All paint and no play makes Debbie a sad girl!

I really think I need to take a shower, wash the paint out of my hair, and get out of this house cuz those freaky twin girls standing in my hallway are starting to GET ON MY NERVES!!!

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